Samsung has all but said it is launching the world’s best TV with an advertisement, a product “unlike anything the world has ever seen.” No specifications have been revealed by the company so far and tech blogs have also turned mute on this television’s features due to the lack of concrete details. However, it has been confirmed by the company that it has chosen CES 2013 as the event to introduce the world to its ‘revolutionary’ TV.


New TVs from Samsung will recognize an expanded range of gestures so people can swipe through on-screen menus in a way that revolutionizes the old remote control. Samsung Electronics Co., the Korean electronics maker that is successfully challenging Apple in smart phones, touts the new user interface as faster as and more intuitive than before.

Samsung said Monday that the new interface will be a feature of upcoming smart TVs. In addition, certain high-end Samsung smart TVs sold since last year can be upgraded with an add-on kit – complete with the required quad-core processor – that will be sold separately for a few hundred dollars.

Samsung President Boo-Keun Yoon said the new features are designed to make TV-viewing easy as consumers face more and more choices in what they watch.

“We have developed TVs that respond to people’s needs and lifestyles, TVs that know in advance what people want to watch, TVs that have the power to create the ultimate lean-back experience,” Yoon said.

At the International CES gadget show, Samsung also introduced an 85-inch “ultrahigh definition” set, in line with rivals that are all rolling out screens with four times the pixels as the current HD. The higher resolution will let TV screens get larger and people to sit closer without a decline in picture quality, though initially the price tag will limit those sets to technology’s early adopters.


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