Google X Lab's new Product a Robot???????

Picture of a HUBO robot similar to
that bought by Google
Google and the Google X Lab over the past couple of years developed a couple of interesting gadgets such as Google Glass, Project Loon, and Googles self-driving cars, just to name a few.  There have been some buzz about google on an AI robot.

There have been articles in New York Times referencing how important a roll robots play at Google.
Robots figure prominently in many of the ideas. They have long captured the imagination of Google engineers, including Mr. Brin, who has already attended a conference through robot instead of in the flesh.

Fleets of robots could assist Google with collecting information, replacing the humans that photograph streets for Google Maps, say people with knowledge of Google X. Robots born in the lab could be destined for homes and offices, where they could assist with mundane tasks or allow people to work remotely, they say.
There have been some gossips of a disgruntled previous Google X Lab employee about a project on Reddit
According to the Reddit post:
“The central focus of Google X for the past few years has been a highly advanced artificial intelligence robot that leverages the underlying technology of many popular Google programs. As of October (the last time I was around the project), the artificial intelligence had passed the Turing Test 93% of the time via an hour long IM style conversation. IM was chosen to isolate the AI from the speech synthesizer and physical packaging of the robot.”

Unfortunately the above post was quickly removed.  Last but not Least there was a news of  Google recently procured two HUBO humanoid robots from South Korea’s Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).  This article goes on to speculate that, “Google is planning to hire experts in the field of robotics and currently have a robotics research team comprised of 20 to 30 people.”

The only way it could be verified is if Google announces the project.


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