Black Berry kills two new products

The rainy days aren’t over yet for the smartphone company, as it disclosed in its earnings report that it had decided to “Cancel plans to launch two devices to mitigate the identified inventory risk.”

Even though this report was made public in Friday, the information concerning its cancellation of its two smartphones was buried deep within the report, and the Wall Street Journal only found it out on Monday.

Apparently – from the report – the two unfortunately aborted smartphones which never made it to the market were called Café and Kopi. Both phones weren’t expected for release in the US or Europe. Instead, it is believed that they would have targeted developing markets.

Even though BlackBerry didn’t say what its “identified inventory risk” was, one is led to believe that the company would now try to sell off its unshipped stocks at a lower price.

In related news, BlackBerry announced that it wouldn’t be hosting its annual BlackBerry Live event in 2014. The company has instead decided to focus on smaller, targeted events around the world throughout next year.